They are different companies, with different products, directly competing with each other for users. The fact that neither of those has happened tells me that neither company cares to make the integration of these products work well. If Microsoft and Google wanted these products to play well together Google would either pay Microsoft for Active-sync licensing like they did back in the day or Microsoft would license it to Google for free. I get Residential clients asking me to help set this sort of thing up all the time, and I just say Nope, not going to do it, if they're lucky I might send them a link to the documentation with the preface I never want to hear about it again. If you want G-Suite you must use the Chrome Browser. For my business clients, if you want Outlook you must use Office 365.
Anyway you try and set it up, you're introducing a lot of support issues long term. I flat out refuse to support Gmail / G-Suite in Outlook.